

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


From Crime to Christ

From Crime to Christ

To the surprise of Ntchisi pastors in Malawi, ex-convicts in their community were going back to prison for the very same crimes they previously committed. Because convicts were going back, prison cells became overcrowded. 

After adopting the Possibilities Africa vision, Ntchisi pastors met with prison authorities to share the ministry of holistic transformation. The pastors signed a memorandum and received permission to minister to prisoners. The pastors started going to the prison every Tuesday from 3-5 p.m. to preach the Word of God. 

These pastors display the character of God who bends low as they serve prisoners in their cells. It doesn’t matter what they have done–they can come to the throne of grace to receive mercy and forgiveness by the power of Christ on the cross. 

Because of this message, convicts have discovered true relationship with Jesus. The love of God expressed through local pastors doesn’t stop with a moment of salvation. Pastors continue to walk with ex-convicts as they follow Jesus. After release, they are held by the pastors for a time to rehabilitate, encourage, and disciple them before they go back home.

Some go home directly after release because of their immense transformation. Others are escorted to their homes by pastors. Pastors go with them to meet with their families and community leaders to assure them of their transformation. Six ex-convicts who were escorted home have joined the local church.

The power of hearing the Word of God has drastically reduced the number of prisoners. After only 13 months of this initiative, the number of prisoners has drastically decreased from 300 to 173.

Join us in praising God that ex-convicts have turned from crime to Christ and praying that those who have yet to believe that Jesus is the way will be given spiritual sight. 


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