

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Children’s Mentorship

3) Children's Mentorship

In the United States our activities frequently focus on our children, their interests and activities. But in Africa, that is not the case. In some areas children are not even named until they reach an older age when survival is more likely. Their birthdays are not celebrated, many do not go to school. Their role is to help support the family by gathering wood and water.

Yet we know that the youth of today will be our leaders of tomorrow. This is especially important throughout Africa because approximately 40% of the population is comprised of children under 15. And so we train leaders to begin a process of educating parents on the needs of children. Then together, they decide what their children need and how to teach it. For example, some areas offer Vacation Bible School, others have started pre-schools and Sunday school classes to teach biblical
truths. In 2019 over 11,000 children were invested in because of the training of Possibilities Africa.

We also focus on casting a vision to the kids about how they can have a better tomorrow. At this age we focus on spiritual growth, taking personal responsibility, as well as economic possibilities, so that they can become change agents in their families, communities and country.

As an outcome of this ministry model, we see communities motivated and equipped to minister to orphans, the disabled and widows. It is a reminder that the work of Possibilities Africa cannot be quantified in numbers only. Instead it is also about the mental shifts, cultural change, spiritual growth and productivity.