Personal Impact
“It’s been my privilege to know Martin for over 2 decades, when he came
to study at Moody. Possibilities Africa was then just a great,
compelling burden that God had put on his heart, and it captured the
hearts of many of us as well! To have been in country with him many
times, to see firsthand the way he has tirelessly pursued the vision and
how it has scaled from Kenya to multiple African nations is a testament
to both his and our Great God‘s faithfulness! So very proud of you
Martin, and the entire PA team! The best is yet ahead! Keep on! Phil.
Dr. John FuderMoody Bible Institute 
Why is PA different from many ministries?
"We like to see a 'difference making accountability' in a ministry. We feel God’s resources should be well stewarded as the needs of the world are endless. We want to see the resources go a long ways towards making a real difference in both living and spiritual conditions in the lives of many. The micro loan program makes a real difference in the lives of most of the recipients and provides hope, financial discipline, and most of the time economic improvement for those who choose to participate. The spiritual training for pastors is relatively brief but amazing and far reaching. "
"The transforming power of the gospel is on full display every time an
individual, family, church, or larger community is radically changed for
the good through the Biblical teaching and training they have received
through the ministry of Possibilities Africa. These individuals and
communities then become beacons of the Hope of Christ and the difference
He can make in our day to day lives and God gets the glory. It is a
privilege to support the beautiful work being done though this
Amanda Plambeck 
“PA does such a good job at truly helping people. They present the
gospel, surround people with support groups, and help them escape
poverty by teaching them how to create income through their own
business. I saw this first hand and it was incredibly encouraging to
hear the life changing stories of so many people."
Brenden Kreutzer