For 20 years, we've been asking, "What would it take to see those in poverty do more than survive? What if they could truly thrive?"
The answer is not another handout but rather the hope that is found only in Jesus Christ
We believe that the WHOLE Gospel, impacting the WHOLE person, transforming the WHOLE community is THE ANSWER.

The Challenge
Of the many issues in rural Africa, these are some of the leading ones.
Economic PovertyThis is an ever present reality of life in rural Africa. The majority of people in Africa live on less than $1.90/day.
Little to None
Spiritual PovertyPastors and leaders in rural African villages have a calling from God but little to no theological training.
Long Term PovertyBillions of dollars have been invested in Africa to try and fix individual things. Yet, the generational cycle of poverty remains.
our strategy
How Do we Help?

Train Pastors
The vast majority of pastors in rural Africa have a calling from God but little or no training... Read More
Help Start Small Businesses
PA trains recipients in the business they choose, learning how to make a business plan and carry it out... Read More
Mentor the Next Generation
We train leaders to begin a process of educating parents on the needs of children... Read More