

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Spiritual Leadership Development

1) Spiritual Leadership Development

The vast majority of pastors in rural Africa have a calling from God but little or no training. Often times, they lack even the basic necessities to do ministry.

Possibilities Africa recruits and equips spiritual leaders to embrace holistic ministry in their communities using local accountability groups. They then model those groups to their congregations who are encouraged to join similar groups.

These leaders initiate momentum that leads individuals, families, and communities to holistic transformation. Family dynamics, workplace ethics, government practices—all these and more change as our leaders invite the presence of Jesus into every aspect of life.

Only the gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to change hearts and minds. When someone embraces God’s love and mercy, that person is made new.

That’s why we equip our leaders to preach the gospel, disciple believers, and apply life- giving biblical principles, so every aspect of their community begins to flourish.