

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Pastor Abdisa in Ethiopia

Pastor Abdisa in Ethiopia

Pastor Abdisa is caught between ongoing rebel conflicts and the harsh realities of unconducive policies, yet he chooses to keep championing the community’s transformation.

Inchini, a town in Ethiopia, is plagued by ongoing conflicts that frequently disrupt and sometimes completely close schools, businesses, and gatherings, including church services. Pastor Abdisa struggles to support his church and family during these disruptions. Additionally, he has always been slow to engage in activities outside his church due to his church culture.

Pastor Abdisa engaged with Possibilities Africa and was intrigued by what the organization teaches. When the time came for centralized training with pastors selected from the rural parts of the country, he couldn’t miss being onboarded on the 2 year holistic program. In October 2023, he attended the Module 1 training (Possibilities Africa’s first programmatic training that introduces holistic ministry programs). For the first time, he learned to integrate spiritual, economic, and social development as part of day to day church activities.

Returning from the training, Pastor Abdisa began teaching holistic ministry concepts. To promote continuous spiritual growth among the members, he started three Bible study groups, aligning with the spiritual discipleship training provided by Possibilities Africa.

Building on the skills acquired during the training, he also initiated business training for the youth. Despite facing initial resistance from the community-whose culture traditionally limits ministers’ involvement in other activities.

He firmly believes that empowering the youth with business skills will help address the persistent issue of youth unemployment.

The Bible study groups are growing, with each of the three groups having over eighteen members who meet weekly. This has increased the frequency of members coming together and collaborating on church activities.

Additionally, the youth and other church members are receiving business training, which is nurturing their entrepreneurial abilities. Leading by example, Pastor Abdisa supplements his income through butter sales. These visible efforts are gradually inspiring acceptance of the holistic ministry concept among church elders.

Pastor Abdisa’s journey shows the power of holistic ministry. Through persistent efforts and support from Possibilities Africa, he is transforming lives and fostering a resilient, self-sustaining community in Inchini.

We pray for the community’s resilience and success in their activities amidst the challenges they face.

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