

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Asking Tough Questions

Asking Tough Questions

Do You Want To Make A Difference In The World?

If you are like me, you want to make a difference in this world. Our time, talents and resources are limited so we have to make important decisions on how to use them best for God’s glory. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus tells us to “make disciples of all nations.” If we are not called to ‘go’ then we need to be a part of sending. But who do you and I support? Asking tough questions is the starting point to finding a solution.

Why has Africa not seen significant change despite billions of dollars of aid provided over the years? Why are western donors told that if they donate money for a ministry to provide mosquito nets or something else (almost anything) then the lives of thousands of needy Africans will be changed?


What would it take to see those in poverty do more than just survive? What if they could truly thrive? A catalyst is needed to move them from mere survival to true flourishing.

Possibilities Africa is dedicated to rebuilding hope by helping people realize they have the power to transform their lives, villages and country. Not hope in someone to give them another meal or some other handout, but hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. That alone provides the change that includes not only the material things, but also their mental, cultural, socio-economic and spiritual needs as well.

The hope we provide is the spark that allows Africans to see a future and believe they can achieve it for themselves and without the handouts of outsiders. With that they move from mere survival to living the abundant life promised in Scripture. You can be an integral part of “making disciples of all nations” wherever you live!


1. We never give a handout. While other programs ask Africans to stand in line for a quick fix for their problems, we believe that people can change from the inside out. We teach responsibility and accountability instead of handouts or charity, calling people to rise up and take responsibility for their families and villages.

2. We don’t find a problem to solve and then impose its solution on Africans. This may be the single greatest difference in our ministry. When PA gets involved we allow the people to define their problems, after they define the problem, we work with them to find the solution that works best for them. The focus is not on our ability to bring change, but on theirs.

3. PA is African led, our staff is committed to serving and seeing change in their homeland (104 communities in: Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Ethiopia). Knowing the language and culture is a huge advantage when recruiting and training pastors. Operational decisions are made in Africa by Martin Simiyu and his team.

You can join us in making disciples in Africa

  • $250 (Or $21/month) trains one pastor for one week of training
  • $2,500 trains one pastor for our entire 2 1/2 year program
  • $25,000 trains 10 pastors (local pastors group)
  • $250,000 is the cost to starting in a new country for the first three years.
Doug Reed
Doug Reed

Managing Director at Possibilties Africa