

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Prayer with Duane & Pauline Norman

Transcription 00:10 Emily: Welcome to the 4:18 Podcast. Typically this podcast shares untold stories of what God has done and is doing in Africa to bring Good News to the poor. But today we are talking about the power of prayer. This is where today’s podcast guests, Duane and Pauline Norman come in. When I’ve had […]

Clark Brumm: “God is my only”

Transcription 00:10 Emily: Welcome back to the 4:18 Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Frenzen, and today I have the pleasure of welcoming Clark Brumm to the studio. Welcome, Clark. Would you begin by sharing how God first brought you to Possibilities Africa? What drew you to this mission?  Clark: The way God brought me into […]

Partner Profile: Doug & Denise Gustafson

Names: Doug & Denise Gustafson Giving birthday: February 12, 2020 About Doug & Denise: Doug and I moved to Holdrege in 1989. We were both raised in Southern California most of our lives. Doug’s dad, Wes, was the first Fullerton EFC pastor after serving in Canton, China with his wife, Lenore as missionaries sent by […]

A Journal Entry from Malawi

Transcription 00:03 Welcome back to the 4:18 podcast. I’m your host, Emily Frenzen, and I am the Creative Director for Possibilities Africa USA. In 2024, I had the privilege of traveling with a team of partners and board members from the United States to go to two countries in Africa where Possibilities Africa exists. During […]

Pastor B’s Church Mentors Youth Ages 8-21 

Pastor B’s Church Mentors Youth Before Pastor Bwalya completed training with Possibilities Africa, there was no investment in the community’s youth. Therefore, the young people in the church were not participating in any programs. After the training, however, Pastor Bwalya’s mindset shifted to see and understand the value of mentoring the next generation.  Pastor Bwalya […]

Q&A with Emily

Transcription 00:11 Welcome to the 4:18 Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Frenzen, and today we have a special episode for you. In this episode, we’re answering your questions, and by we, I mean me. The following questions were submitted on our social media pages, and I’ll do my best to answer what you submitted. So, […]

BONUS EPISODE: Training & Theology

Transcription 00:13 Emily: Welcome to the 4:18 Podcast. This podcast shares the untold stories of what God is doing through the ministry of Possibilities Africa and testifies to the power of Jesus as described in Luke 4:18 which reads, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good […]

Staff Profile: Meet Christopher

Staff Profile: Meet Christopher  Name: Christopher Chama Title: Country Ministry Director in Zambia   About Christopher: Christopher Chama was once so determined to pursue his career aspirations in electrical engineering that when people asked him to be involved in the church, he said no. He desired to work in a lab in Japan to fix […]

Doc Fuder: The Model that Swims Upstream

00:09 Emily: Welcome back to the 4:18 Podcast. We are here for more with Dr. John Fuder. Doc, you are one of the key players who has known Martin from the beginning. That being said, how did you see Martin face resistance?  Doc: I don’t know if I would say resistance, but that philosophy of […]

Staff Profile: Meet Abenezer

Staff Profile: Meet Abenezer  Name: Abenezer Tafa Title: Country Program Officer in Ethiopia   About Abenezer: After college, Abenezer spent six years in banking, but he knew he wanted to engage in work that touched spiritual lives and impacted the larger body of Christ. Abenezer was introduced to Possibilities Africa in March 2022. When he […]