

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Category: blog

Staff Profile: Meet Christopher

Staff Profile: Meet Christopher  Name: Christopher Chama Title: Country Ministry Director in Zambia   About Christopher: Christopher Chama was once so determined to pursue his career aspirations in electrical engineering that when people asked him to be involved in the church, he said no. He desired to work in a lab in Japan to fix […]

Staff Profile: Meet Abenezer

Staff Profile: Meet Abenezer  Name: Abenezer Tafa Title: Country Program Officer in Ethiopia   About Abenezer: After college, Abenezer spent six years in banking, but he knew he wanted to engage in work that touched spiritual lives and impacted the larger body of Christ. Abenezer was introduced to Possibilities Africa in March 2022. When he […]

Staff Profile: Meet Victor

Staff Profile: Meet Victor  Name: Victor Shalakha Title: Program Information Processing Officer in Kenya About Victor: Growing up in a village in western Kenya, Victor witnessed many pastors living in poverty because they had little to no income. The gravity of the struggle was sometimes disturbing to him. It was also there that his grandparents taught him […]

Pastor Abdisa in Ethiopia

Pastor Abdisa is caught between ongoing rebel conflicts and the harsh realities of unconducive policies, yet he chooses to keep championing the community’s transformation. Inchini, a town in Ethiopia, is plagued by ongoing conflicts that frequently disrupt and sometimes completely close schools, businesses, and gatherings, including church services. Pastor Abdisa struggles to support his church and […]

From Fetching Water to Fostering Fellowship

From Fetching Water to Fostering Fellowship Name: Harrison Mutwiwa Title: Program and Projects Coordinator  About Harrison: Harrison walks hand in hand with pastors every step of their Possibilities Africa (PA) journey. He is involved in recruitment of pastors into the PA program, as he goes to rural communities to share the agenda of Possibilities Africa. After […]

From Genocide to Gospel Love

This is the story of one pastor who testifies to the power of radical love to heal. This pastor lives in an area of Rwanda where there are perpetrators of the genocide and victims of the genocide in the same community. Seeking reconciliation would take the kind of faith that Jesus describes in Matthew 17:20, […]

From Crime to Christ

To the surprise of Ntchisi pastors in Malawi, ex-convicts in their community were going back to prison for the very same crimes they previously committed. Because convicts were going back, prison cells became overcrowded.  After adopting the Possibilities Africa vision, Ntchisi pastors met with prison authorities to share the ministry of holistic transformation. The pastors […]

Q&A with Rob & Amanda Plambeck

Names: Rob & Amanda Plambeck Giving birthday: June 19, 2018 About the Plambecks:-We have 5 kids-We live in Omaha, NE-We enjoy being outdoors and hiking How did you discover Possibilities Africa?We found out about PA from our local church. Our pastor went to seminary with Martin, so they’re good friends. Martin and other folks have come to […]

Update on the Malawi Cyclone Freddy response

The Malawi government assessment reports show that Cyclone Freddy adversely affected 2,267,458 people. Out of this, 659,278 are displaced and still living in 767 camps. A total of 2,171 were reported injured, 676 were confirmed dead and 533 still missing. Crops ready for harvest on over 179,223 hectares (442,000 acres) of land were destroyed and […]

Asking Tough Questions

Do You Want To Make A Difference In The World? If you are like me, you want to make a difference in this world. Our time, talents and resources are limited so we have to make important decisions on how to use them best for God’s glory. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus tells us to “make […]