

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


From Fetching Water to Fostering Fellowship

From Fetching Water to Fostering Fellowship

From Fetching Water to Fostering Fellowship

Name: Harrison Mutwiwa

Title: Program and Projection Coordinator 

About Harrison:

Harrison walks with pastors every step of their Possibilities Africa journey. He is heavily involved in recruitment by going to rural communities to share the agenda of Possibilities Africa. After sharing the vision, he mobilizes pastors to attend training and is involved in the training itself. He leads the implementation of projects, ensures projects are beneficial, and makes post-recruitment calls to 50 pastors. In this phase, he guides pastors as they develop plans, targets, budgets, and activities.

Harrison says he is a client of what he teaches. His rural upbringing enables him to relate to the challenges of communities in desperation. In this role, we witness the power of Jesus at play–the painful parts of his story have become his purpose. It is his joy to witness the fellowship and unity of pastors.

Harrison was born in Kibwezi, located in the lower eastern part of Makueni County in Kenya, where it rains once a year. He was raised in a family of 14 children, and his mother died when he was young. Being one of 14 and raised by a stepmother left him with little attention. His days were spent traveling far to fetch water and educating himself. As a child, he loved being and singing in church.

He double majored in Sociology & Conflict and Business Management. He also earned certificates in peacekeeping and pharmaceuticals. Before Possibilities Africa, he worked for a bank, a church, and various organizations that required him to do marketing in rural areas. Harrison now lives in Nairobi, Kenya where he and his wife have four boys and one girl. He pastors two churches and mentors youth in life skills, knowing God, and accepting themselves. In his free time, he enjoys singing, music training, and going to concerts.

How to pray for Harrison

  • Pray for the pastors he recruits and develops to have breakthroughs in understanding and applying what they are taught. Pray for breakthroughs in his ability to deliver in his work.
  • Pray for the knowledge, gifts, and resources in his hands to overflow to the people he encounters. Pray for his connection with Christ to overflow in his work and home life.
  • Because where he grew up is a dry place in Kenya with greater need, pray that the people there would learn what he is doing and want to be part of Possibilities Africa.
  • When recruiting, Possibilities Africa looks for rural pastors with a congregation and an openness to grow together. Pray for divine appointments and unity as he onboards pastors.
  • Pray for Harrison’s ability to cater to his family’s needs, his children’s education, and for God’s provision in their lives.

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