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Q&A with Rob & Amanda Plambeck

Q&A with Rob & Amanda Plambeck

Names: Rob & Amanda Plambeck

Giving birthday: June 19, 2018

About the Plambecks:
-We have 5 kids
-We live in Omaha, NE
-We enjoy being outdoors and hiking

How did you discover Possibilities Africa?
We found out about PA from our local church. Our pastor went to seminary with Martin, so they’re good friends. Martin and other folks have come to share at our church when they’ve been stateside. We loved the ministry from what we heard of it.

You could choose to give to any organization. Why do you choose to give to PA?
Amanda: I spent 6 weeks in Western Africa right after PA school. I stayed with a family in a village where I got to hang out and do chores with their five girls. I remember asking the little girls, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

They looked at me with blank stares. They didn’t know how to respond and had never thought of that. I was talking to one of the missionaries and she said that’s something kids are never asked about. These little girls had parents who were working professionals but even for them, there wasn’t a vision for the future. I love that PA helps to give vision and hope for what could be–what is my role in God’s story and how does He want to use me?

I also love that PA starts with the pastors and trains them in the Gospel and how the Gospel transforms our whole lives. Because we’re believers, it transforms our family life, vocational life, and our community life. From the pastor’s training, the congregation is transformed and people start taking accountability for their communities.

What a witness and testimony that must be in these communities to see these believers whose lives are being changed. It’s all a testimony of the grace of God and the power of the Gospel!

Rob: PA is unique in its approach. They are very holistic. Their mission embodies the whole and complete Gospel. They invest in their local church leaders spiritually and provide Gospel and biblical-oriented training these pastors wouldn’t have otherwise received. On top of that, they address the physical needs of their communities by empowering church leaders and church members to overcome generational poverty by generating income-driven activities. They help them think through solutions for problems that are unique to villages.

Another thing we love about PA is their heart for children. The last time we talked to Martin, we learned that investing in children is something unique about PA compared to the rest of Africa. That’s huge and we love that about PA. I wrote down Matthew 19:14, “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven,’” and in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

How have you seen the fruit of giving to Possibilities Africa?
Rob: When Martin was in the States in October, he talked about what was going on with PA. One story in particular that stands out is when Cyclone Freddy hit. Possibilities Africa generated a campaign for the people of Malawi and the congregations. PA got there before any other government agencies in many villages where they had churches.

Martin talked about how these chiefs from other villages came to see what PA was doing. They weren’t believers but they saw God’s love in action and they wanted PA to come to their villages, too. How PA showed up in that situation in Mawlai wasn’t a scripted part of the plan but they helped meet those needs. They helped those people get on their feet again to help their communities.

James 2:15-17 says, “ Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” PA demonstrates the power of the Gospel in action, which opens the door to spiritual needs. The heart of it is that we want people to come to know Jesus and PA opens the door through their holistic approach.

Amanda: We feel so privileged living here in America where we have access to all the theological training we could ever want. I’ve been in many different financial situations where I’ve had very little according to American standards and where I’ve had an abundance but I’ve never had to go without food, clothing, or a home. All the time you hear about the overwhelming poverty of people in Africa. We would like to help but where do you send your money?

I think this was Martin’s heart in starting PA. Billions of dollars have been sent yet the problem of poverty remains. I feel safe sending my money to PA knowing how it’s invested and the way it changes people’s lives. It gives them a sense of dignity and empowers people for the Gospel’s sake.

“But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” 1 John 3:17

Our Contact Information
Possibilities Africa
PO Box 209
Elkhorn, NE 68022

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