

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Our Podcast

4:18 Podcast

Welcome to the 4:18 Podcast. God is moving through partners, pastors, and entrepreneurs to break the chains of poverty in African countries. This podcast shares the untold stories of what God is doing in Africa and testifies to the power of Jesus as described in Luke 4:18, which says: ”The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.” Listen to biweekly episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube or press play below. 

Listen to Stories

Transcription: Emily: Welcome back to the 4:18 podcast Doug: Hi, I’m Doug Reed, and today we have the pleasure of diving into …

Nehemiah: Part One

Transcription: Emily: Welcome back to the 4:18 Podcast. I’m Emily Frenzen and we are so grateful you’re gathering with us today. God …

Transcription: Emily: Welcome to the 4:18 Podcast. God is moving through partners, pastors, and entrepreneurs in African countries. This podcast shares the …

Transcription: Emily: Welcome to the 4:18 Podcast. God is moving through partners, pastors, and entrepreneurs in African countries. This podcast shares the …

Transcription: Emily: Welcome to the 4:18 Podcast. God is moving through partners, pastors, and entrepreneurs to break the chains of poverty in …

Emily: Welcome to the 4:18 podcast. God is moving through partners, pastors, and entrepreneurs in African countries. This podcast shares the untold …

Transcription: Emily: Welcome to the 4:18 Podcast. This podcast shares the untold stories of what God is doing through the ministry of …

Transcription: Emily: Welcome to the 4:18 Podcast. This podcast shares the untold stories of what God is doing through the ministry of …

Transcription: Emily: Welcome to the 4:18 Podcast. God is moving through partners, pastors, and entrepreneurs to break the chains of poverty in …

Transcription: Emily: Welcome to the 4:18 Podcast. God is moving through partners, pastors, and entrepreneurs in African countries. This podcast shares the …

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