

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Martin Simiyu

Martin Simiyu

Martin Simiyu


Martin Simiyu is the founder of Possibilities Africa. He currently provides overall leadership to the ministry and oversees the development of its activities in Africa as the Executive Director. He is based in Kenya from where the ministry work in Africa is headquartered. Previously Martin has worked as a pastor at Christ is the Answer Ministries, a large denomination headquartered in Nairobi. He has also worked in other organizations during his career growth including serving as a part time lecturer at Pan Africa Christian University and as a guest lecturer at Moody Bible Institute in USA. Martin has two MA. degrees in Organizational leadership from Biola University in California, USA and MA. Intercultural Studies/Missions from Moody graduate school in Illinois, USA. He also studied BA. Bible and Theology at Pan Africa Christian University and Diploma, Applied Statistics at Kenya Polytechnic in Kenya.
