

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Mentoring the Next Generation

In most African communities’ boys and girls are initiated into adulthood through community rituals and rites that are harmful to the body and soul. Such traditional community events are filled with practices that cultivate unbiblical values.


Pastors in the Muranga community (Kenya) are taking steps to change this. In 2021, they started a program dubbed “boys-to-men” after they attended a PA training event where they were challenged to mentor the next generation in the ways of God. This event has continued this year and so far, a total of 135 boys are in the mentoring program.


The topics discussed range from drugs and substance abuse, the role of a man in society, holistic life with emphasis on the Word of God, self-discipline, the importance of education, sexuality, time management and leadership skills. This training is very much needed since the majority of these children do not get this training from their parents.

The pastors are encouraging parents to be involved in this training and thereby educating the parents as well.  Transformation is possible because of people like you who partner in this ministry.  


Our Contact Information
Possibilities Africa
PO Box 209
Elkhorn, NE 68022