What would it take to see those in poverty do more than just survive? What if they could truly thrive?
In the midst of these shattered lives one organization is bringing lasting change throughout Africa. Possibilities Africa has found that the answer to the issues facing Africa is HOPE; a catalyst to move them from mere survival to true flourishing.
Possibilities Africa is dedicated to rebuilding hope by helping people realize they have the power to transform their lives, villages and country. Not hope in someone to give them another meal or handout, but hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. That alone provides the change that includes not only the material things, but also their mental, cultural, socio-economic and spiritual needs as well.

The hope we provide is the spark that allows Africans to see a future and believe they can achieve it for themselves and without the handouts of outsiders. With that they move from mere survival to living the abundant life promised in Scripture.