1. Possibilities Africa provides a hand-up to the African people instead of a handout. While other programs ask Africans to stand in line for a temporary fix for their problems we believe that people can change from the inside out. Possibilities Africa teaches responsibility and accountability instead of handouts or charity, and calling on people to rise up and take responsibility for their families and villages.
2. Possibilities Africa doesn’t find a problem to solve and then impose its solution on Africans. This may be the single greatest difference in our ministry. When PA gets involved we allow the local people to define their problems for us. This means we don’t bring mosquito nets or other things to distribute for the problems we see. Instead, once they define the problem, PA works with them to find the solution that works best for them and that they have the resources to implement. The focus is not on our ability to bring change, but on the locals’ ability and desire to effect lasting change.
3. Possibilities Africa is African led, our staff is committed to serving and seeing change in their homeland. Knowing the language and culture is a huge advantage when recruiting and training pastors. Operational decisions are made in Africa by our founder Martin Simiyu, and his team.
4. When Possibilities Africa’s work in a village is complete we move on. How many ministries have you heard of that have an end-game; a plan to finish? However, we have seen that as Possibilities Africa completes work in certain villages they become self-sustaining and we are then able to focus our efforts on new villages.
5. Possibilities Africa believes in African investment. In the midst of a continent that has tremendous needs and minimal donors, Possibilities Africa raises 5-10% of their support in Africa. This creates local buy-in and ownership in the PA process.